Friday, November 2, 2007

San Sebastian

San Sebastian does not have a lot going on. It has two incredibly beautiful beaches, quite perfect in fact, but it certainly wasn't the beach season when I was there. I walked round the promenade, from end to end. I stuck my hand in the Atlantic, now I have touched both sides of the Atlantic. I saw the Cathedral but it was pretty plain as Cathedrals go. There is a very large statue, of Jesus, on a small moutain at the mouth of the bay. It didn't look to be on the same scale as the one in Brazil. I didn't climb up the mountain because the only thing up there was the statue, which I could see pretty good from the streets. That is pretty much all I did in terms of sight seeing. I did have a relaxing time there.

I am off to Paris, which is my final stop before coming home.

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