Friday, September 7, 2007

First Post

I am leaving for Europe on Wednesday, Sept 12th and I will be returning on Tuesday, Nov 6th. I will be flying into Amsterdam and from there I have no idea where I am going; though I hope to visit relatives in England and Denmark. I have a Eurail Global pass which allows me to travel to 18 countries and I hope to visit as many as time will allow.

Instead of sending postcards, and emails, to keep people updated about where I've been I have created this blog to document my trip around Europe. I will try to update it whenever I can though I will be quite busy having fun so you will need to forgive me if I don't post regularly.


Karen said...

Erik, have an incredible experience in your Europe travels. A trip of a lifetime that will provide many many memories for years to come. Dad and I are both very proud of you. Carpe diem!
Love Mom

Gail said...

Hi Erik, We are enjoying your blog and are happy you are enjoying yourself so much. We are still travelling in our trailer and are in the San Juan Islands right now- so beautiful. Keep writing and having fun.

Luv your Grandparents