Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Naples & Pompei

I went to Naples so I could see Pompei. Naples itself does have some stuff to see, for instance there are a French and a Spanish castles, the Basilica in Naples is quite grand and there is a section of town that has 6 or 7 old churches in a few block radius. I saw most things though I just walked around them but didn't go into any. Naples isn't very clean, there is garbage everywhere and a lot more street vendors per area than anywhere else I have been. The Sunday I was in Naples the Pope was doing a ceremony. I didn't go to see him but a few people at the hostel did and they said it was crazy, he flew in in a helicopter and then rode the Popemobile to the Basilica and everywhere he went there were masses of people following him. The Pope is a rockstar.

Again, the reason I went to Naples was so I could see Pompei and I did. It was incredible. I saw Roman ruins in Rome but it really doesn't compare to this. Most of the structures are mostly destroyed but then there are some houses where the marble is still intact on the counters or the floor. There are other structures that still have roofs or incredible mosaics. And Pompei is huge. I walked around for 3 hours and I only saw a quarter of it, most of it you don't really need to see because it is mostly destroyed. I also saw some plaster castings of the people they found there. It was eerie and strange but interesting to see these people.

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