Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I spent two nights in Switzerland, I feel like that is not the way to spell Switzerland. I spent a night in Bern and a night in Zurich. It all started after I took the night train from Berlin to Basel. I had a nice time walking around Basel. However, the best part was the art museum. It had many Picasso's with a few works of Dali, Monet, Rembrandt, Pizarro, Van Gogh and a slew of other artists, I don't know a great deal about art. There is definitely something different about seeing the original work of art live and in colour.

I moved on to Bern and it reminded me alot of Luxembourg. There is a river that runs around three sides of the old town and it is kinda on a hilly mound though not quite as pronounced as Luxembourg. I saw Einstein's house where he wrote is now famous theories. I didn't go in because it was closed but I don't really think his house would be that interesting. There are a lot of fountains in Bern.

On to Zurich then. There is a lake, Lake Zurich in fact, and there is a spectacular view if you stand by the lake, of the Alps. I didn't get to see it because it was cloudy but I saw a postcard and it was breathtaking. I did have a great time at an Irish bar, throwing darts with two Irishmen and a American who went to a boarding school in Mill Bay, which is on Vancouver Island for those unfamiliar. I meet the American at the hostel I was staying at and the two Irishmen were already drunk at the bar, throwing darts, when we got there. It was an honorable match though they beat us three legs to one.

Now for a quick stint in Austria then I am on to Italy!

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