Monday, October 15, 2007


Venice is everything you expect it to be and slightly more. It has canals, just like you see in the movies or on tv, but no one tells you that the canals smell really bad. Luckily, when I was wandering around the city there was a strong breeze and the breeze smelled like ocean so it was all good. There is quite a bit to do on such a small island, or islands.

I went to the island of Murano which is where all the Venician glass comes from. I saw two demonstrations on how they make glass. I was amazed at how quickly they can produce a vase or a little horse, which they made in both demonstrations. Essentially the only thing on Murano is the glass stores and the glass blowing workshops and of course eateries for the tourists. There are some incredibly expensive pieces of glass on that island.

I want to an art gallery on the main island, it didn't house famous works, it was more of a historical progression of art in Venice. It was interesting but not only did they not provide english commentary the commentary was few and far between.

Walking in Venice is as confusing as everyone says it is. It is not hard to go from one major plaza to the next because there are signs pointing the way. It is hard when you try to take a short cut and every street you try ends in either a wall or a canal.

Now on to Florence.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to hear you were able to tour Venice and the glass blowing sounds like a really neat thing to see. You are sure getting around a lot. Have fun on your trip to Florence. Mom