Saturday, October 20, 2007


I was only in Pisa a few hours before I travelled to Rome. There isn't much in Pisa besides the leaning tower. I had a great time in Rome. The first day I was there I went on a tour of the Vatican and it is massive, apparently the museum there has a total length of seven kilometres. It also has the world's largest collection of pagan art, kinda makes you think. Well, the reason they have so much pagan art is because there was a pope during the Renisannce, the Renisannce is the rebirth of classical ideas, so he bought all the classical art he coulde gets his hands on. I saw the Sistine Chapel, Saint Peters Basilica and Michelangelo's famous first statue that he carved his name into. I also saw the old pope apartments that were painted by Rapheal.

The next day I saw the Colosseum, which isn't in the greatest shape. The reason being when they were building Saint Peter's Basilica they took all the marble from the Colosseum and used it to build the Basilica. So no all you see today is the internal structure, but if you use your imagination a little you can get a good visual. I also saw the Palatine Hill which is one of the two hills where Rome was founded and where the imperial palace for the Roman emperor was built and now you can see the ruins.

I spent the next day walking around and I saw many of the sights that I hadn't seen yet like the Patheon, Tomb of the Unknown Solider and the ruins of the Roman forum. There is so much to see in Rome I would need a lot more time to see everything but I think I saw all the important sights this time around.

I am on to Naples, specifically to see Pompei

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